Step into the Future of Communication with the SOJC
The UO School of Journalism and Communication’s annual Yearbook is a chance to reflect on the year’s achievements and share our unique impact on our students and the field. In this edition, we are sharing what our students, faculty, and staff have been up to all year and how every area in the SOJC is advancing communication practices, methods, strategies, tools, and thinking to prepare our students to lead the future of their chosen fields.
Read on to celebrate and learn! Please also consider making a year-end contribution to empower us to give all students opportunities to thrive in the evolving landscapes of journalism and communication.
Step into the Future of Communication with the SOJC
The UO School of Journalism and Communication’s annual Yearbook is a chance to reflect on the year’s achievements and share our unique impact on our students and the field. In this edition, we are sharing what our students, faculty, and staff have been up to all year and how every area in the SOJC is advancing communication practices, methods, strategies, tools, and thinking to prepare our students to lead the future of their chosen fields.
Read on to celebrate and learn! Please also consider making a year-end contribution to empower us to give all students opportunities to thrive in the evolving landscapes of journalism and communication.
Table of Contents
Edwin L. Artzt Dean and Professor Juan-Carlos Molleda and our SOJC faculty are excited to celebrate another year of outcomes and growth with you! When you’re done watching the video, scroll down or use the links below to learn about faculty research and how our undergraduate and graduate programs are preparing students for success in four major areas.
Table of Contents
Edwin L. Artzt Dean and Professor Juan-Carlos Molleda and our SOJC faculty are excited to celebrate another year of outcomes and growth with you! Scroll down or use the links below to learn about faculty research and how our undergraduate and graduate programs are preparing students for success in four major areas.
2023 by the Numbers
AdvertisingUsing Advertising to Make a Difference
Using Advertising to Make a Difference

A Focus on the Future of Advertising
Strong strategic skills and a commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and a culture of curiosity are what sets the SOJC’s undergraduate and graduate advertising students apart in the industry. Starting in undergraduate courses, with a strong foundation in writing and ethics, the advertising program aims to instill a sense of duty in students beyond profit-making. The master’s program further reinforces this approach, equipping students to lead conversations about representation and social responsibility while avoiding practices like greenwashing and woke-washing. Read our feature story about how the SOJC curriculum addresses the challenges of proving the impact of brand responsibility on profit and emphasizes the importance of authenticity while making a positive impact on the world.

Alumni Profile

Student Experience

Studying Abroad

Faculty Perspective
More Stories
How Jacob Espinoza Became a Leadership Mentor →
Learn More about our Programs

A Focus on the Future of Advertising
Strong strategic skills and a commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and a culture of curiosity are what sets the SOJC’s undergraduate and graduate advertising students apart in the industry. Starting in undergraduate courses, with a strong foundation in writing and ethics, the advertising program aims to instill a sense of duty in students beyond profit-making. The master’s program further reinforces this approach, equipping students to lead conversations about representation and social responsibility while avoiding practices like greenwashing and woke-washing. Read our feature story about how the SOJC curriculum addresses the challenges of proving the impact of brand responsibility on profit and emphasizes the importance of authenticity while making a positive impact on the world.
Lean into the Future of Advertising

Alumni Profile

Student Experience

Studying Abroad

Faculty Perspective
More Stories
How Jacob Espinoza Became a Leadership Mentor →
Learn More about our Programs

JournalismOn the Record about Journalism's Future
On the Record about Journalism's Future

A Focus on the Future of Journalism
One thing is certain about the future of journalism: It will be as important as ever. To prepare students for the future, the SOJC structures its journalism programs to equip them for the evolving media landscape. Undergraduate journalism majors and Journalism Master’s students learn foundational journalism principles, including strong writing skills and media ethics. They also learn how to work with communities to tell more inclusive and impactful stories and delve into future-forward approaches like solutions journalism, data journalism, and artificial intelligence. The Multimedia Journalism Master's program builds on journalism fundamentals and expands students’ skills in photography, videography, and audio storytelling to widen their stories’ impact and reach new audiences. Read our feature story to learn how the SOJC’s emphasis on hands-on experience prepares journalism students with real-world experience to graduate career-ready.

Alumni Profile

Student Experience

Faculty Experience

Master's Profile
More Stories
Using a Multimedia Journalism Master’s for Good →
A Summer Course in Visual Journalism →
Three Alumni Tackle Communication at the Capital →
Learn More about our Programs

A Focus on the Future of Journalism
One thing is certain about the future of journalism: It will be as important as ever. To prepare students for the future, the SOJC structures its journalism programs to equip them for the evolving media landscape. Undergraduate journalism majors and Journalism Master’s students learn foundational journalism principles, including strong writing skills and media ethics. They also learn how to work with communities to tell more inclusive and impactful stories and delve into future-forward approaches like solutions journalism, data journalism, and artificial intelligence. The Multimedia Journalism Master's program builds on journalism fundamentals and expands students’ skills in photography, videography, and audio storytelling to widen their stories’ impact and reach new audiences. Read our feature story to learn how the SOJC’s emphasis on hands-on experience prepares journalism students with real-world experience to graduate career-ready.

Alumni Profile

Student Experience

Faculty Experience

Master's Profile
More Stories
Using a Multimedia Journalism Master’s for Good →
A Summer Course in Visual Journalism →
Three Alumni Tackle Communication at the Capital →
Learn More about our Programs

Media StudiesStrengthening Media through Research
Media Studies
Strengthening Media through Research

A Focus on the Future of Media Studies
The media studies program is best known for its focus on critical thinking and examination of the social, cultural, and economic aspects of media. Students gain skills in research, production, and ethical research and analysis from world-renowned faculty who bring expertise from a wide range of areas. As students pursue master’s and doctoral degrees in media studies and communication with the SOJC, their areas of interest and research continue to advance the field. Alumni praise the programs and how they lead to diverse post-graduate positions in media and academia. Read our feature story to discover how the SOJC has continued to innovate with an eye on the future of media.

Faculty Experience

Student Resources

Faculty Research
More Stories
Janet Wasko Researches Disney’s Far-Reaching Influence →
Exposing the Fiction of Reality TV →

A Focus on the Future of Media Studies
The media studies program is best known for its focus on critical thinking and examination of the social, cultural, and economic aspects of media. Students gain skills in research, production, and ethical research and analysis from world-renowned faculty who bring expertise from a wide range of areas. As students pursue master’s and doctoral degrees in media studies and communication with the SOJC, their areas of interest and research continue to advance the field. Alumni praise the programs and how they lead to diverse post-graduate positions in media and academia. Read our feature story to discover how the SOJC has continued to innovate with an eye on the future of media.
See How Media Studies Is Evolving

Faculty Experience

Student Resources

Faculty Research
More Stories
Janet Wasko Researches Disney’s Far-Reaching Influence →
Exposing the Fiction of Reality TV →

Public RelationsGood Relationships Make Companies Stronger
Public Relations
Good Relationships Make Companies Stronger

A Focus on the Future of Public Relations
SOJC public relations (PR), strategic communication, and immersive media communication graduates enter the workforce as confident and versatile professionals in a dynamic field. Undergrads build crucial skills thanks to a curriculum focused on fundamentals such as writing, strategic thinking, communication, and problem-solving, along with incredible mentorship. They also get real-world experience in student-run agencies and organizations. Graduate students in our Strategic Communication Master’s and brand-new Immersive Media Communication online master’s program are developing a strategic foundation to advance in their careers while building future-proofed skills in emerging technologies like AI, augmented reality, and virtual reality. Read our feature story to find out how the SOJC ensures its graduates are equipped for evolving challenges in the PR industry.

Alumni Profile

Master's Innovation

Student Experience

Faculty Experience
More Stories
Graduate Employees Teaching PR →
Building a Network in Investor Relations PR →

A Focus on the Future of Public Relations
SOJC public relations (PR), strategic communication, and immersive media communication graduates enter the workforce as confident and versatile professionals in a dynamic field. Undergrads build crucial skills thanks to a curriculum focused on fundamentals such as writing, strategic thinking, communication, and problem-solving, along with incredible mentorship. They also get real-world experience in student-run agencies and organizations. Graduate students in our Strategic Communication Master’s and brand-new Immersive Media Communication online master’s program are developing a strategic foundation to advance in their careers while building future-proofed skills in emerging technologies like AI, augmented reality, and virtual reality. Read our feature story to find out how the SOJC ensures its graduates are equipped for evolving challenges in the PR industry.
Learn Why Relationships Are the Difference

Alumni Profile

Master's Innovation

Student Experience

Faculty Experience
More Stories
Graduate Employees Teaching PR →
Building a Network in Investor Relations PR →
Onward to 2024!