Looking for your next great read? Discover the latest books published by the SOJC's world-renowned faculty experts.
Free: Two years, Six Lives, and the Long Journey Home
Lauren Kessler
Raising Empowered Learners: Cultivating Students’ Curiosity, Character, and Confidence
Ed Madison
Radio Vox Populi: Talk Radio from the Romantic to the Anglo-Saxon
Peter Laufer
Mainstreaming and Game Journalism
Maxwell Foxman
Share Better and Stress Less: A Guide to Thinking Ecologically about Social Media
Whitney Phillips
News After Trump: Journalism's Crisis of Relevance in a Changed Media Culture
Seth Lewis
Public Relations for Social Responsibility: Affirming DEI Commitment with Action
Donnalyn Pompper
What IS News?
Donnalyn Pompper
Police Visibility: Privacy, Surveillance, and the False Promise of Body-Worn Cameras
Bryce Newell
MEDIA: A Transdisciplinary Inquiry
Janet Wasko
Reporting Beyond the Problem: From Civic Journalism to Solutions Journalism
Nicole Dahmen
You Are Here: A Field Guide for Navigating Polarized Speech, Conspiracy Theories, and Our Polluted Media Landscape
Whitney Phillips
Community Building and Early Public Relations: Pioneer Women’s Role on and after the Oregon Trail
Donnalyn Pompper
Classroom 15: How the Hoover FBI Censored the Dreams of Innocent Oregon Fourth Graders
Peter Laufer and SOJC students
Police on Camera: Surveillance, Privacy, and Accountability
Bryce Newell
Up Against the Wall: The Case for Opening the Mexican-American Border
Peter Laufer
Innumeracy in the Wild: Misunderstanding and Misusing Numbers
Ellen Peters
Understanding Citizen Journalism as Civic Participation
Seungahn Nah
Understanding Disney: The Manufacture of Fantasy (Second Edition)
Janet Wasko
The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society
Debra Merskin
Political Economy of Media Industries: Global Transformations and Challenges
Gabriela Martínez
A Grip of Time: When Prison Is Your Life
Lauren Kessler
Climate and Sustainability Communication: Global Perspectives
Donnalyn Pompper
Dreaming in Turtle: A Journey Through the Passion, Profit, and Peril of Our Most Coveted Prehistoric Creatures
Peter Laufer
Pop 66: A Dreamy Pop Can-Camera Odyssey Along Route 66
Wes Pope
Korean Communication, Media, and Culture: An Annotated Bibliography
Kyu Ho Youm
Surveillance, Privacy and Public Space
Bryce Newell
Seeing Species: Re-presentations of Animals in Media & Popular Culture
Debra Merskin
Reimagining Journalism in a Post-Truth World: How Late-Night Comedians, Internet Trolls, and Savvy Reporters Are Transforming News
Ed Madison
Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, and Ethical Public Relations: Strengthening Synergies with Human Resources
Donnalyn Pompper
Privacy in Public Space: Conceptual and Regulatory Challenges
Bryce Newell
Media Law and Ethics (Fifth Edition)
Kyu Ho Youm
The Ambivalent Internet: Mischief, Oddity, and Antagonism Online
Whitney Phillips
¡See You Later, Amigo! An American Border Tale
Peter Laufer
Rhetoric of Femininity: Female Body Image, Media, and Gender Role Stress/Conflict
Donnalyn Pompper
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things: Mapping the Relationship between Online Trolling and Mainstream Culture
Whitney Phillips
Journalism in an Era of Big Data: Cases, Concepts, and Critiques
Seth Lewis
Global Media Giants
Janet Wasko
The Golden Rules: Finding World-Class Excellence in Your Life and Work
Charlie Butler
Amazon's Mechanical Turk for Academics
Kim Sheehan
Raising the Barre: Big Dreams, False Starts, and My Midlife Quest to Dance the Nutcracker
Lauren Kessler
Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Public Relations: Negotiating Multiple Complex Challenges
Donnalyn Pompper
Reinventing the Latino Television Viewer: Language, Ideology, and Practice
Christopher Chávez
Data Journalism: Inside the Global Future
Damian Radcliffe
The Write Path: Essays on the Art of Writing and the Joy of Reading
Lauren Kessler
Newsworthy―Cultivating Critical Thinkers, Readers, and Writers in Language Arts Classrooms
Ed Madison
Communication for Development: Theory and Practice for Empowerment and Social Justice
Leslie Steeves
Emerging Research and Trends in Gamification
Donna Davis
Advertising Media Planning: A Brand Management Approach
Kim Sheehan
Boundaries of Journalism: Professionalism, Practices and Participation
Seth Lewis
When Words Collide: A Media Writer's Guide to Grammar and Style
Lauren Kessler, Duncan McDonald
The Stratocaster Continues: The Sixth Decade of the Fender Strat
Tom Wheeler
The Fender Archives: A Scrapbook of Artifacts, Treasures, and Inside Information
Tom Wheeler
Interviewing: The Oregon Method
Peter Laufer
Green Advertising and the Reluctant Consumer
Kim Sheehan
Organic: A Journalist's Quest to Discover the Truth behind Food Labeling
Peter Laufer
Freeing the Presses: The First Amendment in Action (Second Edition)
Regina Lawrence
Sexing the Media: How and Why We Do It
Debra Merskin
Slow News: A Manifesto for the Critical News Consumer
Peter Laufer
The Handbook of Political Economy of Communications
Janet Wasko
Practical and Theoretical Implications of Successfully Doing Difference in Organizations
Donnalyn Pompper
The Digital Reporter's Notebook
Mark Blaine
Elusive State of Jefferson: A Journey Through The 51st State
Peter Laufer
Controversies in Contemporary Advertising
Kim Sheehan
Sex Trafficking, Scandal, and the Transformation of Journalism, 1885-1917
Gretchen Soderlund
Identity: Beyond Tradition and McWorld Neoliberalism
Christopher Chávez
Counterclockwise: My Year of Hypnosis, Hormones, Dark Chocolate, and Other Adventures in the World of Anti-Aging
Lauren Kessler
Globalization and Public Relations in Postcolonial Nations: Challenges and Opportunities
Pat Curtin
Foreign Correspondence
Regina Lawrence
Neon Nevada
Peter Laufer
Using Qualitative Research in Advertising: Strategies, Techniques, and Applications
Kim Sheehan