Public Relations Program News

As the graduating class of 2023 prepares to fly the nest, University of Oregon honors the resilience, dedication and achievements of just some of our amazing graduates, including two from the SOJC.
Amelia Kennedy ’23 shared her #LifesasaJStudent experience, from finding the School of Journalism and Communication to declaring her major in public relations and everything that went along with it.
There are many benefits to joining a professional organization as a student, including the chance to meet and network with professionals in your major. Learn more in this article.
This spring and summer terms, courses in the SOJC will have new faces at the front of the class when doctoral students take on teaching duties in public relations and communication.
At the start of her senior year, public relations major Erin Tooley wanted to make searching for a PR job after college as stress-free as possible. She used these tips to do it.
The public relations alum advises on strategy and communications for Colorado governor Jared Polis.
Jillian Gray, class of ’25, shares her experience as a double major in two of the largest programs at the SOJC.
Ella Norton, class of ’24, came to UO to study public relations, and is now a copy editor for Align Magazine, a member of the student-led public relations firm Allen Hall Public Relations, and an SOJC ambassador who gives her own tours to visiting students.
Discover how one UO School of Journalism and Communication alum advocates for patients using the skills she learned getting her public relations degree.