Faculty Directory

Sung Park

Professor of Practice
Phone: 541-346-8458
Office: 326 Allen Hall
City: Eugene

Ellen Peters

Philip H. Knight Chair and Professor
Director, Center for Science Communication Research (SCR)
Phone: 541-346-3828
Office: 110A Allen Hall
City: Eugene
Research Interests: Science Communication, Judgment and Decision Making, Numeracy, Affect and Emotion, Adult Aging

Lisa Peyton

Immersive and Strategic Communications Instructor
Office: 1715 Franklin Blvd., Rm 153
City: Eugene

Whitney Phillips

Assistant Professor of Information Politics and Ethics
Affiliated Departments: Folklore Program
Office: 202 Allen Hall
City: Eugene
Research Interests: US politics and popular culture, media ethics, media history, public debate and controversy, humor studies, religion and politics, rightwing media cultures, moral panics, conspiratorial belief, narrative and identity, true crime media

Daniel Pimentel

Assistant Professor of Immersive Psychology
Phone: 503-412-3661
Office: 301B Innovation Building
City: Portland

Donnalyn Pompper

Professor, Endowed Chair in Public Relations
Affiliated Departments: Clark Honors College
Phone: 541-346-2342
Office: 204 Allen Hall
City: Eugene

Wes Pope

Associate Professor
Director, Multimedia Journalism Master’s Program
Phone: 503-412-3759
Office: 314 Innovation Building
City: Portland