Profile picture of Lucas Castillo Delgado

Lucas Castillo Delgado

Phone: 541-346-2361
Office: 319E Allen Hall
City: Eugene


Lucas Castillo Delgado is a videographer and photographer from Eugene, Oregon. He's focused on advertisements and documentary work for non-profits and universities. He's worked for places such as the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Michigan State University, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, National Science Foundation, University of Oregon, and more. He also recently had footage he filmed featured on NBC and PBS.
Lucas believes the purpose of our lives is to help make the world a better place, and through his life, he's found how video can be a tool to educate, inspire, and create this change. Throughout this journey, he strives to make friends, listen deeply, and learn. He hopes that his efforts may empower others to appreciate and care for their fellow brothers and sisters, as well as the environment around them. Lucas has had the bounty of being a part of mentorship programs for younger people for the last four years, helping him understand the potential that every human being has. The elimination of racial prejudice, spirituality, and music education are all things Lucas is passionate about. 
Lucas is currently working as a Videographer within the SOJC.