Center for Science Communication Research in the News

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The Center for Science Communication Research (SCR) is the academic home of many of the field’s foremost and emerging science communication researchers. We provide evidence-based expert commentary and information for local, national, and international media outlets.

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Editor’s note: This student blog post is the third in a series of three written by UO School of Journalism and Communication and environmental studies students who attended a special field trip with Dennis Dimick in April. Dimick, former picture and environment editor for National Geographic and founder of Eyes on Earth, visited the SOJC to deliver the school’s 2018 combined Robert and Mabel Ruhl and Richard W.
Editor’s note: This student blog post is the second in a series of three written by UO students who attended a special field trip in April with Dennis Dimick, former picture and environment editor for National Geographic, founder of Eyes on Earth and the speaker for the SOJC’s 2018 combined Robert and Mabel Ruhl/Richard W.
Story by Eric SchuchtThe School of Journalism and Communication (SOJC) has recently made five strategic faculty hires to advance its goal of academic excellence. Each of the new hires, who will arrive at the UO in September for the start of the 2018-19 academic year, has expertise that will help ensure our students are prepared for future careers in the creative and media economy.
Mark BlaineProfessor of Practice Mark Blaine has been selected to serve as interim director of the School of Journalism and Communication’s (SOJC) new Media Cent
Becky Hoag and fellow environmental science major Justin Asarch catalogue species of seaweed on the Oregon Coast for their summe