#LifeasaJStudent Blog

SOJC students showcase what it's like to be a student with personal stories about their experiential learning adventures in their own words, photos, and videos.

Bryan Rodriguez holding the SOJC banner on graduation day.Story by Bryan RodriguezPhoto by Connor Reardon“What is your major?”
Story by Randy NewnhamPhotos by Cheyenne ThorpeMy name is Randy, and I am a nontraditional student majoring in public relations. The first time I took a class at the University of Oregon was the summer of 1997, a full 21 years ago.
Post by Srushti KamatPhotos courtesy of Srushti KamatYou’ve probably heard about human rights organizations, but do you know what they do? What constitutes a “human right”? What do people who work in the human rights field do? How can you get involved?
Story and photos by Bella BarilatiMy desire to study abroad was so strong, I built my college experience around making that happen — right down to my university choice.
Editor’s note: This student blog post is the third in a series of three written by UO School of Journalism and Communication and environmental studies students who attended a special field trip with Dennis Dimick in April. Dimick, former picture and environment editor for National Geographic and founder of Eyes on Earth, visited the SOJC to deliver the school’s 2018 combined Robert and Mabel Ruhl and Richard W.
Editor’s note: This student blog post is the second in a series of three written by UO students who attended a special field trip in April with Dennis Dimick, former picture and environment editor for National Geographic, founder of Eyes on Earth and the speaker for the SOJC’s 2018 combined Robert and Mabel Ruhl/Richard W.
Editor’s note: This student blog post is the first in a series of three written by UO students who attended a special field trip in April with Dennis Dimick, former picture and environment editor for National Geographic, founder of Eyes on Earth and the speaker for the SOJC’s 2018 combined Robert and Mabel Ruhl/Richard W. and Laurie Johnston  lecture. Story and photos by Brian Amdur
Post by Nikki Kesaris Photos by Jeff Collet Dear Public Relations Senior,
Story and photos by Bryan RodriguezOne of many things I’ve learned as a student in the UO School of Journalism and Communication is that lighting can make the difference between a professional-looking video and an amateurish one.With that in mind, I decided to check out a lighting kit from the equipment cage to work on a portfolio project. I opened it up, peered inside and immediately closed it.  There was a lot of intimidating gear in there, and I had no idea what to do with it.